Artes Terreinen restauratie


Restoration requires a great deal of know-how, experience and respect for the history of the building. That is why we always strive to preserve as much of the original materials as possible and minimize damage to the building, which, more often than not, is a listed monument. We do so by using the materials and techniques originally used or applied.

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Acquired by the Artes Group in 2011, Woudenberg specialises in restoring both listed and unlisted buildings. Thanks to years of experience and craftsmanship, Artes Woudenberg occupies a key position in the Belgian restoration sector. Artes Woudenberg is best known for its full restorations of buildings such as churches and cathedrals, castles and fortresses, mansions and listed townhouses ... The quality of the restoration work, which is conducted mostly by its own people, is one of Woudenberg's great trademarks. The company also boasts its own joinery and stonemasonry, both of which supply the building sites.

Terreinen 0002 restauratie

Artes Woudenberg delivers added value to its sister companies, as well. Should any of them require specific restoration components for a larger construction project, they can call on the knowledge and expertise of Artes Woudenberg. This synergy is what makes the Artes Group such a unique construction partner. Artes TWT also have experience with restoration, with the Citadel of Namur and the Palace de Justice of Huy as prime examples of their skill.

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